Saturday, August 14, 2010

Garlic-Infused Olive Oil

One day I had a bright idea.

But only once.

It centered around having a very large stash of garlic-infused oil at the house at all times.

So I tried it for myself... and now I keep it on hand at all times.

It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3 !!!

1. Garlic

2. Olive Oil

3. Heat

Over medium heat raise temperature on 1 cup of olive oil.

Add to that 5 or 6 ... or 10... cloves of crushed garlic. Allow the oil to bubble for 3-5 minutes... push the garlic around the oil a few times.

Flip the garlic over and keep bubbling for another couple of minutes.

Now that the garlic has done it's job... and has left behind a legacy to be enjoyed at a future date, remove the garlic and allow the oil to cool before putting it into your bottle of choice.

Garlic-infused olive oil is so much better than regular olive oil. But don't take my word for it... try it yourself!

enjoy your time in the kitchen...

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